- Our Ministry data base generates a report of all students whose immunization records are incomplete/not up-to-date.
- Public Health Nurses assess records to ensure students immunization records are indeed incomplete or require updating.
- First notices are sent to parents/or students who have incomplete records on file. This notice includes information about what immunizations are out of date or missing on the student's immunization record, options for parents and students which include providing information by fax, email, mail or drop in, having the child immunized with the vaccine(s) they are missing or submitting a medical exemption or Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief Affidavit. Finally, this information package includes the date the suspension would take place should the appropriate immunizations or information not be received.
- After the first notice is sent out, the Vaccine Preventable Diseases program offers assistance to parents in obtaining records from other jurisdictions. Appointments are also available for students to receive missing immunizations.
- Final notices are sent out approximately four weeks prior to the suspension date. All of the information in the first notice is again included in this final notice. A notice is included in this package that lists the date(s) on which immunization clinics will be offered to assist students in receiving their required vaccinations.
- The day before the suspension take place, the schools receive notice of which students may be affected. The schools usually contact the parents and tell them that their child will be suspended the next day if they do not contact the Health Unit and resolve any immunization information that is outstanding. The school is not aware of what the issue is; only that our records are incomplete.
- The day of suspension and for a few days after, the Health Unit continues to provide clinics for walk-in clients impacted by the suspension process.