Alcohol |
Heavy Drinking EpisodesHeavy Drinking is defined as four or more drinks within a single event for women, and five or more drinks for men. In 2017/18, within the Health Unit region, an estimated 24.5% (age-standardized) of persons 19+ years of age met or exceeded the heavy drinking limit at least once a month. In 2019/2020, within the Health Unit region, an estimated 28.8% (age standardized) of persons 19+ years of age met or exceeded the heavy drinking limit at least once a month. This was significantly higher when compared to Ontario at 17.7%. Last updated: October 30, 2023 Data source: Canadian Community Health Survey, 2019/20 Categories of Drinking RiskWith Canada's new Guidelines on Alcohol and Health released in 2023, formerly Low Risk Drinking Guidelines, highlighted below are the percentage estimates for moderate and high risk levels associated with weekly alcohol consumption. Across 2015/16, 2017/18 and 2019/2020, in the Health Unit region, 17.0%, 14.0%, and 19.0% respectively, of the legal age persons (age-standardized) reported having 3-6 drinks a week which corresponds to moderate risk with regards to alcohol harms. The 2019/2020 Health Unit region percentage was not statistically different when compared to the Ontario estimate of 14.9%. High risk alcohol consumption in the Health Unit region for 2015/16, 2017/18, and 2019/2020 was identified as 17.0%, 21.0%, and 20.7% respectively, of legal aged persons (age-standardized) reported having seven or more drinks per week. The 2019/2020 percent estimate was not statistically different when compared to Ontario at 14.8%. Last updated: October 30, 2023 Visit the PHO Snapshots Alcohol Use page for more detail. Please see the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction’s report entitled Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health: Final Report for more information. Emergency Department Visits Attributable to AlcoholIn 2021, within the Health Unit region, there were approximately 805 emergency department visits per 100,000 individuals (age-standardized) where the only reason for the visit was alcohol related. This was significantly higher than the provincial rate of 543 visits per 100,000 individuals (age-standardized). Last updated: October 30, 2023 Visit the PHO Snapshots Alcohol Harms page for more detail. Hospitalizations Attributable to AlcoholIn 2021, within the Health Unit region, there were approximately 352 hospitalizations per 100,000 individuals (age-standardized) where the only reason for being hospitalized was alcohol related. This was significantly higher than the provincial rate of 211 hospitalizations per 100,000 individuals (age-standardized). Last updated: October 30, 2023 Visit the PHO Snapshots Alcohol Harms page for more detail. |
Cannabis |
Community Cannabis SurveyIn the fall of 2018, the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (NBPSDHU) surveyed residents of Nipissing and Parry Sound districts, aged 16 and older, to learn about their recreational cannabis use, attitudes towards cannabis, and knowledge of harm reduction messages related to cannabis. View the 8 Key Findings from the 2018 Community Cannabis Survey Emergency Department (ED) visits and hospitalizations for all cannabis-related harms
Last updated: July 5, 2023 Visit the PHO Snapshots Cannabis Harms page for more detail. Use by studentsCannabis Use Among Students in the Grades 7 to 12 in the NBPSDHU Region talks about student use of cannabis by gender and grade. Details include frequency of use, attitudes about cannabis use, and driving after using cannabis. Read more in our report Cannabis Use Among Students in Grades 7 to 12 in the NBPSDHU Region: 2014 School Year (November 2017). View the Executive summary / Sommaire |
Cigarettes and Other Tobacco |
Table 1. Age-Standardized Percentage (95% CI) of Individuals Aged 18 Years or Older Who Smoke Cigarettes Daily or Occasionally, by Region, 2015 – 2020
*Estimate is significantly different from the provincial estimate Last updated: November 1, 2024. Visit the PHO Snapshots Self-Reported Smoking page for more detail. Daily UseOn average, an adult daily or occasional smoker in the Health Unit region smoked approximately 15 cigarettes a day in 2019/20, significantly higher compared to the provincial average (Table 2). Table 2. Age-Standardized Average (95% CI) Number of Cigarettes Smoked Daily by Individuals Aged 18 Years or Older Who Smoke Cigarettes Daily or Occasionally, by Region, 2015 – 2020
*Estimate is significantly different from the provincial estimate Smoking by age group
Table 3. Age-Standardized Percentage (95% CI) of Individuals Aged 18 Years or Older Who Smoke Cigarettes Daily or Occasionally, by Age Group (Time Period) & Region, 2015-2018 Combined and 2019/20
*Estimate is significantly different from the provincial estimate Cigarette and tobacco use by studentsIn the 2022/2023 school year, the Health Unit was involved in an oversample of the Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS) conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). This oversample included 14 elementary schools (361 students across grades 7 and 8) and six secondary schools (374 students in grades 9-12) in the Health Unit district. Figure 115 per cent of students grade 7-12 within the Health Unit district have tried smoking in their lifetime, this was similar to other Northern Health Units (North), and significantly higher than Ontario (9 per cent).
Figure 218.9 per cent of female (sex assigned at birth) students grades 7-12 have tried smoking. This was not statistically different from male students (sex assigned at birth) in the same grades, 11.4 per cent. ![]() Figure 2: Percentage of students by sex assigned at birth within the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region who have ever smoked tobacco.
Figure 35 per cent of students who smoked more than a few puffs 12 months prior to the OSDUHS survey have also used an e-cigarette, this was significantly higher than Ontario (2.4 per cent).
Illicit drugs |
Illicit drug use in adults
Visit the PHO Snapshots Cannabis Harms page for more detail. Illicit drug use among expectant mothers
Visit our Reproductive and Child Health page for information on maternal health. Illicit drug use by students
Read more in our report Other Substance Use Among Students in Grades 7 to 12 in the NBPSDHU Region: 2014/15 School Year (December 2017). This report summarizes non-medical use of prescription drugs and use of illegal drugs. Drug use is presented for the previous year and their lifetime, as well as by drug. |
Opioids |
2018 Report: Morbidity and Mortality (Death)This report summarizes opioid-related emergency department visits & deaths in the Health Unit region, and makes comparisons to Ontario rates in the overall population and by sex and age group. Highlights:
Read the full report: Opioid-Related Morbidity and Mortality in the Health Unit Region - 2005 - 2017 (July 2018). Nipissing Parry Sound Online Overdose Reporting SystemThe Nipissing Parry Sound Online Overdose Early Warning System tracks real-time data related to overdoses and negative drug reactions. Local agencies and emergency services in Nipissing and Parry Sound Districts submit reports of overdoses and negative drug reactions to the Health Unit. The Health Unit summarizes the information collected in the dashboard below. As a passive data collection tool, and an early warning surveillance system, this dashboard is a glimpse into the substance use within our region and therefore, may not coincide with other substance related overdose data sources or reports for our region. Updated weekly, the dashboard contains a series of interactive graphs that allows users to understand and investigate substance related trends locally. For additional information pertaining to opioid surveillance in Ontario, please refer to Public Health Ontario's Interactive Opioid Tool and the Ontario Drug Policy Research Network's (ODPRN) Opioid Indicator Tool. |
Substance Use Among Students
New Data: E-cigarettes and Vape Use |
Across Canada in 2022, it was found that Canadians aged 15 to 19 (30%) were twice as likely to have tried vaping compared to those aged 25 and older (Statistics Canada). Ontario Student Drug Use and Health SurveyIn the 2022/2023 school year, the Health Unit was involved in an oversample of the Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS) conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). This oversample included 14 elementary schools (361 students across grades 7 and 8) and six secondary schools (374 students in grades 9-12) in the Health Unit district. The first indicator analyzed focuses on vaping/e-cigarette use. Additional indicators will be posted here as they are analyzed. E-Cigarette/Vaping Results
Figure 1
Figure 2![]() Figure 2: A graph indicating which grades students reported being in when they first used a vaping device. The graph compares responses of students in the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region, northern Ontario and all of Ontario. Figure 3
NotesON: All Ontario students who participated in OSDUHS North: Students who participated in OSDUHS from Northern Ontario regions, excluding the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (Health Unit) region HU: Students in the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region Source: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS) 2023 [datafile]. Toronto, ON: CAMH;[Data accessed: 2024 June 5]. |
2014-2015 Data
Alcohol Use by Students |
The proportion of students in the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit region who reported alcohol use in the past year (55.4%) is significantly higher than Ontario students who reported alcohol use (45.8%), but similar to students in other northern regions that reported alcohol use (51.5%). The percentage of students that reported alcohol use in 2014/15 is similar to 2010/11 in the Health Unit region and other northern regions, but lower in Ontario. Read more in our report Alcohol Use Among Students in Grades 7 to 12 in the NBPSDHU Region: 2014/15 School Year (November 2017). Topics include alcohol use during the past year, drunkenness or bingeing in the past month, usual source of alcohol, and drinking and driving. |
Cannabis Use by Students |
Cannabis Use Among Students in the Grades 7 to 12 in the NBPSDHU Region talks about student use of cannabis by gender and grade. Details include frequency of use, attitudes about cannabis use, and driving after using cannabis. Read more in our report Cannabis Use Among Students in Grades 7 to 12 in the NBPSDHU Region: 2014 School Year (November 2017). |
Cigarette and Tobacco Use by Students |
Read more in our report Cigarette & Tobacco Use Among Students in Grades 7 to 12 in the NBPSDHU Region: 2014/15 School Year (December 2017). This report presents on all tobacco use including cigarettes, chewing tobacco, water pipe/hookah, & e-cigarettes. Other topics include exposure to second-hand smoke, quit attempts, and sources for cigarettes. |
Illegal Substance Use by Students |
Read more in our report Other Substance Use Among Students in Grades 7 to 12 in the NBPSDHU Region: 2014/15 School Year (December 2017). This report summarizes non-medical use of prescription drugs and use of illegal drugs. Drug use is presented for the previous year and their lifetime, as well as by drug. |
Other Reports |
A literature review and environmental scan were conducted to highlight promising practices for what should be included in successful substance misuse prevention approaches targeted at youth in grades 7-12 in schools and in the broader community. |