Page updated March 2022
By the time your power resumes, many non-frozen and fresh foods left in your home will not be safe to eat even if they have been refrigerated. Harmful bacteria cause many foods to spoil quickly, especially in warm weather.
Food Safety
When deciding what to do with freezer contents, consider the following: |
When deciding what to do with refrigerator contents, consider the following: |
Disposal of Spoiled Food |
Discard spoiled food in leak-proof containers. Place the containers in a cool place out of reach of dogs, cats and other animals. |
“Think Clean” During a Power Outage |
Water Safety
If you use water from your well for your home or food service business, a power outage will normally cause the water pump to fail. Use an alternate source of safe water, such as commercially bottled water or follow the instructions below for treating water.
If you have a back-up power generator, use the water as you did before the power failure. Make sure that any water purification system you may use, such as an ultraviolet light, also continues to operate.
If you are concerned about the safety of your water, use an alternate source of water or treat the water using one of the following methods:
Boiling Water |
Treating Water |
For more information, contact your Public Health Inspector at 705-474-1400 or 1-800-563-2808.