We have a collective responsibility to work to end any form of oppression that gives us privilege(s).
It should be a daily & ongoing practice of identifying and eliminating prejudice, discrimination and systemic barriers against 2SLGBTQ+ persons. It is about listening to and being guided by these communities, growing and continuing to do better.
How to Begin the Work |
ListenListen to the 2SLGBTQ+ people in your life and community, be aware that they may have experienced (and might still be experiencing) things you don't understand or have not lived, and offer support in any way you can. Use your voice to influence change but listen to the needs and wishes of others and let them decide what's best for them. Stand up and be the person who stops and challenges homophobic, transphobic, biphobic or acephobic comments and language. Acknowledge (when it happens) that you don't appreciate insults and "humour" that demeans 2SLGBTQ+ people. Consider the space you take up
Do not take up space that should be occupied by members of the community that you champion. Step back. Collaborate. Learn. Understand that despite our best intentions, we can do harmYou might get it wrong sometimes - but it’s an opportunity to learn and to do better. Think about how to react when you realize you may have got it wrong and learn how to respond in a way that shows respect and does not increase the harm (9 Phrases Allies Can Say When Called Out Instead of Getting Defensive). Understand your own privilegeIt is important to understand that in our society, heterosexuality gives a person privilege. Individuals who experience alignment between the gender they were assigned at birth, their bodies, and their personal identity also experience privilege. This means that these people experience benefits by being (or being perceived as being) heterosexual and/or cisgender that are denied to 2SLGBTQ+ individuals (see Heterosexual Privilege Checklist). This may trigger feelings of guilt or defensiveness, but what is important is to take stock of our privileges, take responsibility for how we use them by trying to offset the power imbalance they reinforce, and commit to dismantling systemic barriers. Let your support inform your decisions
Seek to break down walls of prejudice and discrimination:
Raise inclusive childrenEducate children to be open, inclusive adults by supporting inclusive, welcoming school environments and curriculum, challenging gender stereotyping, addressing family diversity and reading 2SLGBTQ+ inclusive children's books. Have courageJust as it takes courage for 2SLGBTQ+ people to be open and honest about whom they are, it also takes courage to support your 2SLGBTQ+ friends or loved ones. Be willing to risk investments (e.g. friends, jobs, religious institutions) that conflict with your values. We live in a society where prejudice still exists and where discrimination is still far too common. Knowing this and giving your support to that person will take your relationship to a higher level and is a small step toward a better and more accepting world. |
Do I need training? |
There are many opportunities for learning. It is important that you feel comfortable providing support. Sometimes the support people need is more than what you can provide. It is important to know your limits. It is a good idea to know some places that you can refer people to if you are not able to help. View our Additional Resources page to know where the safe spaces are in our community. Positive space training helps people learn the definitions of the words we hear in the community. It also helps to raise awareness of the issues that exist and it helps us to look at ourselves and our organizations to see how we could provide better services to the 2SLGBTQ+ community. If you have the opportunity to attend this kind of training, it may help you to become a better ally. If you think this would be a good thing for your workplace, as an ally you could ask for this training to be provided. Visit our Positive Spaces and Other Training page to learn more. |