Thousands of people get food poisoning each year. If you think you may have gotten sick from consuming food or dinks, please contact the Health Unit to speak with a Public Health Nurse or Public Health Inspector.
Local Information
2024 Statistics
Incidence rate is the number of new cases of disease divided by the number of persons at risk for the disease during a particular time period.
*Include confirmed cases in 2024.
Incidence rate per 100,000 in 2024: 0
Incidence rate per 100,000 of Food Poisoning by year
Data Sources |
More Information About Food Poisoning |
Reporting |
Report to the Health Unit by next business day by phone at 705-474-1400 or toll free at 1-800-563-2808, ext. 5229 if food poisoning is suspected or confirmed as per Ontario Regulation 135/18 and amendments under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O., c.H.7. |
Should one go to childcare, school, or work if they have food poisoning? |
Stay home until you are symptom-free for 24 hours, or 48 hours if anti-diarrheal medication was used. Avoid preparing or serving food to others while ill. Wash hands thoroughly and often, using soap and warm, running water for 20-30 seconds. Exclude symptomatic food handlers, healthcare providers, and childcare staff/attendees until symptom free for 24 hours, OR symptom free for 48 hours after discontinuing use of anti-diarrheal medication. Follow the direction of your healthcare provider, public health case manager, or occupational health at your workplace. |
Healthcare Provider Information |
Public Health Ontario's Food Safety Public Health Agency of Canada: Food Poisoning Infectious Disease Protocol, Appendix 1: Food Poisoning, all causes |
Contact our Communicable Disease Control (CDC) program at 705-474-1400 or toll free at 1-800-563-2808, ext. 5229, or by email to for more information.
Last updated: February 2025, by CDC