Nipissing District
Central appointees
Karen Cook was appointed to the Board of Health by the City of North Bay as a citizen appointee and is currently serving their first term with the Board.
Karen was a registered nurse for nearly 40 years, with the majority of her career on the birthing unit at both St. Joseph Hospital and the North Bay Regional Health Centre.
Karen sat on many hospital committees allowing her to advocate on behalf of both patients and nurses. Karen also had the opportunity to assist in implementing three advanced obstetrical programs to the birthing unit. The MORE OB program is ongoing and involves the entire nursing staff and physicians. The program provides ongoing education, skills drills and emergency scenarios, and strengthens teamwork.
Sara Inch was appointed to the Board of Health by the City of North Bay as a municipal appointee and is currently serving their first term with the Board.
Sara is a proud resident of the City of North Bay and first-time council member with the City. Sara has been self-employed for 20+ years in the allied health field, is the mother of three children, a graduate of Nipissing University (Philosophy and Education), has volunteered at Amelia Rising, and enjoys science, public health, and giving back to the community.
Jamie Lowery was appointed to the Board of Health by the City of North Bay as a municipal appointee and is currently serving their first term with the Board.
Jamie holds an undergraduate degree in English and biology (University of Guelph), a diploma in landscape architecture (Ryerson University) and a post-graduate certificate in executive coaching (Royal Road University).
Jamie has built a wealth of experience in both the public and private sector over his career as the Chief Executive Officer of a district long-term care home for eight years and as the Commissioner of Community Services for the City of Brampton prior to moving to North Bay in 2015.
He’s volunteered with various charities and organizations, including serving as co-chair of Nipissing’s Ontario Health Team, is an active coach and board member for the North Bay and District Girls Hockey Association (Ice Boltz) as well as driving innovative seniors services for Castle Arms.
He is a husband, father of five children, and became a Poppa to two grandchildren in the last year.
Maurice Switzer was appointed to the Board of Health by the City of North Bay as a citizen appointee and is currently serving their first term with the Board.
A citizen of the Mississaugas of Alderville First Nation, Maurice has been a resident of North Bay since 2000. At various times he has been a member of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, adjunct professor of Indigenous and Communications studies on the Laurentian University campus, journalist and publisher at five Canadian daily newspapers, and Communications Director for the Assembly of First Nations and Union of Ontario Indians. Maurice also serves on the boards of Nipissing University, the North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre, and as an advisor to a number of organizations including the Indigenous Primary Health Care Council of Ontario.
Dave Wolfe was appointed to the Board of Health by the City of North Bay as a citizen appointee and is currently serving their first term with the Board.
Born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, Dave lived in Toronto for a few years before moving to North Bay in 1991. Dave has roughly 20 years’ experience as a writer/analyst/account manager in the communications industry with clients from the private, public, not-for-profit, and charity sectors. As a volunteer public servant, Dave has served the community on boards, agencies, and committees in areas covering immigration, energy, the arts, healthcare, education, justice, municipal institutions, and others. Dave’s education includes Small Business Management, Communication Arts/Public Relations, and training in Alternative Dispute Resolution. Dave also sits on the boards of North Bay Hydro Distribution, Canadore College, The Multicultural Centre, and the Capitol Centre.
Eastern appointee
Rick Champagne was appointed to the Board of Health by the eastern sector of the District of Nipissing as a municipal appointee. To date, Rick has served on the Board of Health as a municipal appointee from 1998 – 2000 and as a provincial appointee from 2005 to 2015. Rick was voted in as Chairperson for the Board for 2023.
Rick has been involved in politics for the better part of 22 years and is a very strong advocate for public health.
Rick and his wife together have four children, three grandchildren, with one more on the way.
Rick is retired from the family business after 26 years. He enjoys the outdoors, fishing, snowmobiling, and travelling.
Western appointee
Jamie Restoule was appointed to the Board of Health by the Municipality of West Nipissing as a municipal appointee and is currently serving their first term with the Board.
Jamie represents West Nipissing as Councillor for Ward 4 as well as currently serving as Deputy Mayor. Jamie brings 11 years of Municipal Council experience to the Board of Health, having served three terms prior to this current term.
Jamie works full-time employment with the Anishinabek Nation as the Director of Health, working with 39 First Nations across Ontario. Focusing on policy, advocacy, and funding opportunities for First Nations, he works extensively with Federal and Provincial government partners in these areas. He has been with the organization since 1999.
Additionally, Jamie is the Chair of the West Nipissing General Hospital Board of Directors, represents West Nipissing on the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board (DNSSAB) and is a member of the Au Chateau Board of Management as well as the West Nipissing Non-Profit Housing Board. Jamie believes strongly in community service and enjoys being part of organizations that are committed to improving quality of life and health related services.
Parry Sound District
Northeast appointee
Blair Flowers was appointed to the Board of Health by the northeast sector of the District of Parry Sound as a municipal appointee and is serving their second term with the Board.
Blair has a bachelor’s degree with a minor in biology, minor in chemistry, and Master of Public Health degree from Loma Linda University.
Blair has operated a successful contracting business for 47 years in the South River area.
Public health education has been his interest for many years. Blair, along with his wife of 51 years, a retired nurse, and a physician in the northeast Parry Sound district spend several weeks per year for over 20 years promoting health education in Chile and Ecuador. In Ecuador, much of their time was spent with the Indigenous Quechua people.
Western appointee
Photo: Tom Morrissey Photo
Jamie McGarvey was appointed to the Board of Health by the western sector of the District of Parry Sound as a municipal appointee and is currently serving their second term with the Board.
Jamie was a municipal councillor for 29 years before being elected as Mayor of the Town of Parry Sound in 2010, a role he has held since then. A life-long resident of Parry Sound and area, Mayor McGarvey has extensive experience serving on many local, area, and district committees over the last 40 years.
As the Past President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) from 2018-2020, Mayor McGarvey was the voice of 444 Ontario municipalities in dealing with the province, a position that was preceded by seven years on the Board of Directors and Chair of various task forces. Notable recent achievements included leadership in advancing affordable housing, securing $4 billion in federal/provincial assistance to counter COVID-19 economic impacts on Ontario municipalities, and convincing the Premier not to cut Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund grants to municipalities.
Southeast appointee
Marianne Stickland was appointed by the southeast sector of the District of Parry Sound as a municipal appointee and is currently serving their second term on the Board.
More coming soon.
Provincial appointees
Tim Sheppard is a provincial appointee and is currently serving their first term with the Board.
Tim has lived and worked in the North Bay area for 29 years and retired as a Sergeant from the Ontario Provincial Police with 34 years of service. Tim remains active in the community as an Emergency Management Coordinator for the Municipality of East Ferris and has also served as a Municipal Appointee on the East Ferris Police Services Board and volunteered at Cassellholme Home For The Aged.
Tim holds a diploma in Law and Security Administration (Sir Sanford Flemming College), as well as numerous police and emergency management courses, and possesses extensive practical and academic knowledge in the fields of emergency management and crisis response in the Province of Ontario.
Catherine Still is a provincial appointee and is currently serving their first term with the Board.
Catherine is retired from a 32-year career as a paramedic in the District of Parry Sound and brings further knowledge and experience acquired during her 22-year tenure on the Village of Burk's Falls municipal council, which included 18 years as mayor. She has a keen interest in health issues and has served on various related boards and committees over the years. She is currently a member of the Board at Fell Homes in Burk's Falls.
Catherine enjoys cross-country skiing, hunting, swimming, camping, and especially being in the company of her grandchildren.
The Board of Health membership also has up to three provincial appointees. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint one or more persons as members of the Board of Health, but the number of members appointed shall be less than the number of municipal members of the Board of Health.
(Health Protection and Promotion Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1990, c. H.7, s.49 (3)).
Applications for provincial appointment to a board of health are made through the Public Appointments Secretariat.
For more information concerning Board of Health appointments please see the Board of Health Bylaws.
Term of office
The term of office of a municipal appointee on the Board of Health continues during the pleasure of the council that appointed the municipal member but, unless ended sooner, ends with the ending of the term of office of the Council.
(Health Protection and Promotion Act, Revised Statues of Ontario 1990, c. H.7, s.49 (7)).The term of office of a provincial appointee is generally a one to three-year term.
Contact Us
North Bay Parry Sound District Health UnitNorth Bay
345 Oak Street West
Parry Sound
90 Bowes St, 2nd Floor, Suite 201
Phone 705-474-1400
Toll Free 1-800-563-2808
Email Us